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Our Research Service

Singe Excitable Cells

Electrophysiological analysis of single excitable cells


Analysis technique

Single-channel or Whole-cell patch clamp recording

Available cell types

Cultured hippocampal or cortical neurons
Peripheral sensory neurons : acute isolated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons
Peripheral sympathetic neurons : acute isolated superior cervical ganglion (SCG) or celiac ganglion neuron (CG) neurons
Various transfected cell lines: HEK293, HERG, Hella cell lines etc.
Various smooth muscle cells: vascular, intestinal and uterine smooth muscle cells Acute isolated cardiac myocytes

Available analyses

  • Measurement and analysis of various voltage-gated ion channels e.g. Ca+, Na+, K+, Cl- ion channels etc. using voltage clamp mode

  • Measurement and analysis of various ligand-gated ion channels e.g. TRP, ASIC channels etc. using voltage clamp mode

  • Analysis of membrane excitability by measuring alteration of membrane potential and action potential firing using current clamp mode.


Evaluation of drug efficacy by measuring mEPSCs in cultured hippocampal neurons


Evaluation of drug efficacy by measuring ion current and membrane excitability using acute isolated rat DRG neurons


Evaluation of drug efficacy by measuring ion current and membrane excitability using acute isolated rat SCG neurons


Electrophysiological analysis of synaptic function of neurons


Analysis technique

Whole-cell patch clamp recording

Available disease models

Brain slice

Somatosensory thalamocortical circuit (thalamus - barrel cortex)
Cognition / Memory circuit (hippocampus; Schaffer collateral – CA1)
Cognition / Learning and memory circuit (hippocampus; dentate gyrus – CA3)
Motivation / Voluntary movement circuit
(Huntington’s disease; prefrontal cortex– striatum)
Reward circuit (mPFC - nucleus accumbens)


Spinal cord slice

Pain excitatory circuit (primary afferent - substantia gelatinosa)
Pain inhibitory circuit (GABA_A current)

Available analyses

  • Analysis of evoked EPSP (excitatory post-synaptic potential) and IPSP (inhibitory post-synaptic potential) at specific neuronal circuits

  • Measurement and analysis of miniature EPSP at specific types of neurons

  • Analysis of synaptic plasticity by measuring LTP (long-term potentiation), LTD (long-term depression), Input-output curve and Paired pulse ratio etc


Evaluation of drug efficacy on synaptic function by measuring EPSCs at Schaffer collateral - CA1 circuit from acute hippocampal slices in Alzheimer’s disease animal model


Evaluation of drug efficacy on synaptic function by measuring minimally-stimulated EPSC and mEPSCs at primary afferent – substantial gelatinosa circuit from spinal cord slices in chronic pain model

Behavioral Tests

Behavioral tests for the assessment of cognitive function

Analysis technique


Available disease models

Degenerative brain diseases (Alzheimer) : Confirming the effect of improving drug cognitive function through behavioral experiments

Decision making systema behavioral experiment platform

  - Evaluation of drug efficacy using Head fixation & O-maze test in Alzheimer disease model

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Degenerative brain diseases (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD)
- Evaluation of drug efficacy using learned helplessness test in foot shock PTSD model

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Available analyses

  • Learning and Memory: fear conditioning, Morris water maze, object recognition, active avoidance, passive avoidance etc.

  • Locomotor activity and Exploration: open-field test etc.

  • Anxiety and Depression: elevated-plus maze, tail suspension, forced swimming, learned helplessness, open-field test etc.

  • Sensory motor and Coordination: rotarod test etc.

  • Video tracking

Heart Function

Physiological analysis of heart function

Analysis technique

Langendorff heart (isolated perfused heart assay)

Intracellular recording with cultured heart cell

Single cell patch clamp recording with cultured heart cell

Available cells or tissues

Acutely isolated cardiomyocytes of rabbit, rat or mouse
(cultured heart cells or whole heart)

Available analyses

  • Analysis of LVDP (left ventricular developed pressure), heart rate, systolic aortic pressure, aortic overflow volume, coronary flow volume, cardiac output and ECG (electrocardiography) etc.

  • Analysis of ion channel activity or membrane excitability by whole-cell voltage and current clamp technique using acutely isolated cardiomyocyte cells

  • Measurement and analysis of various voltage-gated ion channels e.g. Ca+, Na+, K+, Cl- ion channels etc.

  • Analysis of membrane excitability by measuring alteration of membrane potential and action potential firing using current clamp mode (e.g. action potential duration: APD90) etc.


Evaluation of drug efficacy using Langendorff system in atrial fibrillation animal model


Evaluation of drug efficacy by analyzing K+ or Ca+ current in cultured heart cell (patch clamp)


Evaluation of drug efficacy by measuring APD90 in atrium tissue of human atrial fibrillation patient (patch clamp)


Head Office - 210, 211, Mega City, 188 Chuncheon-ro, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea

R&D Center - A. 209, Samsong Techno Valley, 140 Tongil-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea


©2022 by BnH Research.

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